“If only we had a community free from gender-based violence, teenage pregnancy, child marriage, and female genital mutilation, then all girls would be able...
In a significant stride towards combating gender-based violence, the "Layita Khayelitsha" campaign is set to illuminate the streets of Cape Town's Khayelitsha township. This...
Recurring attacks by armed groups in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) continue to drive forced displacement and extreme hardship for millions of...
Incidents of gender-based violence, with girls and women making up the vast majority of those being subjected to it, are increasing in Eastern Equatoria...
One-Stop-Centers are facilities created to provide integrated services to survivors of Gender Based Violence (GBV). The essence of the one stop center is to...
A joint statement by UN Population Fund (UNFPA) Representative Anders Thomsen, and Kenya Red Cross Secretary General Dr. Asha Mohammed on International Women's Day...
Members of the #HeForShe Campaign Group of Diplomats in Zimbabwe officially welcomed the European Union Ambassador Jobst von Kirchmann as the incoming Co-Chairperson of...